Monday, November 14, 2011

Nu-Works Video comments cont.

Crazy hair- This video like before was quite confusing. What was the concept? It made no sense!
Motion Hands- The music for the this video was very cool! The effects were also very good and so was the dancing!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nu-Works Video commentst

1. Shh.. It's a Secret- This video was OK....I would have wished if their was another type of talent. Also it was hard to hear the narrators part.
2. Ocean Rock flip book- This was the group that I was in, we need to have the quote on the screen longer, and we need to ask more effects.
3.  The Void- This video was pretty good, the music was ok but, the audio could have been better.
4. Move Crew- This video in the beginning was very shaky but, the ending was very COOL!!!
5. Cherry Bomb- Very funny video! Lots of random moments but, it was hard to understand the quote.
6. Crazy Hair- This video was confusing and, I didn't understand the concept but, the music was good.
7. Motion Hands- This video was very cool and,  the music  was amazing.

Circle Project!!!! :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Our Quote!!! :)

"The least moment is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble."
                                                                                         ~Blaise Pascal~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Flinstones!!! :)

   Our project starts with something as small as a pebble, in fact it is about a pebble. Just one toss of a pebble can make the greatest waves! The smallest things in usually have the biggest impact on something. This has to do with space because the waves are moving through space and also it is creating space at the same time!   The name of my group is called the Flinstones because  the "stones" at the end. The project was edited by Mellissa Kurtzman, written by Angel Pineda, the talent by Jose  Ramirez, and filmed by myself Sydney Winston.